sabato 21 settembre 2013

The drumming of Paolo "Paolo" Tixi...

July 14

Paolo "Paolo" Tixi is the young and excellent drummer of the good Genoese prog band Il Tempio Delle Clessidre. I was impressed with its performance when I saw him play with his band and I thought to myself that it would be interesting to involve him in something that concerned my music.
My album has four pieces a bit on the border between classic symphonic prog and more intimate atmospheres, electronic and jazzy (and in these I used Saverio malapina), a piece that moves on a slope of almost pure jazzrock (and here Enzo Zirilli was perfect) and two other songs pulled and highly technical.
For the latter Paolo "Paolo" Tixi seemed perfect. Paolo has joined with enthusiasm and once in the recording studio has given his best playing the pieces that I had assigned him with class, determination and high precision. Paolo immediately amazed me proposed a rhythmic figuration on "Il circo brucia" totally different from what I had thought. The proposal has convinced me because it was original, intricate and cleverly worked, even better than what I had thought. Idea promoted in full! Then there was some rhythmic puzzles on "Non posso parlare più forte" but fortunately we have solved all the problems of sixteenth notes in more or less and metronome not in the right time (my fault) and it all went great. With its nearly thirteen minutes "Non posso parlare più forte" is the longest piece of the album and has within it several times fast and snappy, slow and majestic, crazy and unpredictable. Playing on it so it was not exactly a walk but fortunately Paolo's great skill allowed that all could go in the greatest way.
At this point six drums were made (only one song is missed), now is the time for bass guitar and double bass.

An excerpt from the performance of Paolo "Paolo" Tixi on the rhythmic puzzle of "Non posso parlare più forte".

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