venerdì 11 ottobre 2013

Luca Scherani and Agostino Macor

Pictures of Enrico Rolandi and Giulia Spinelli

I'm listening to the first trial mix of the album and all the feelings are mixed. After months of work it's normal to come to a kind of "addiction" and not being able to distinguish what works from what is to be reviewed. I step from moments when nothing seems to satisfy me to others of absolute exaltation. And likely that in this situation the best thing is to unplug for a moment and return to the mix after a few days to evaluate everything with resting ears.
One thing is certain, this records is not in any way "accommodating" . It's dark, hard, angular, without any compromise, sometimes even stinging. Only in the final piece the torment flows to a positive solution and it all melts into a sweet music, somehow refreshing .
It's really the distorted mirror of my emotions

August 13 + September 9 : Luca Scherani + Agostino Macor

In the initial drafts of this record I planned not to involve it in any of my usual (and more than excellent) employees. For solo work on my behalf (or in Hostsonaten) in fact I always used a team of musicians who more or less remained the same. This time however I wanted to do a different experience, get in touch with new thinking in order to absorb new experiences and put in the new work sounds and ways of playing different than the previous albums.
But I have found at some point to need two special tools to embellish the sound plot .These instruments were in the hands of two of my most regular collaborators, Luca Scherani and Agostino Macor. So I did a happy exception to the rule and I decided to put two brief cameo of the two mentioned above.
Luke has given so its full contribution with a short (but rhythmically impossible) combined with a vibraphone part of glockonspiel on "La quarta vittima" the more Zappesque piece.
About Agostino I know that he's very good with certain "space" sounds so I decided to use him with his Theremin. There were in fact a couple of moments in two songs that I was glad to fill with abstract sounds, rather than with well-defined notes. The Theremin was perfect for the purpose!

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